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Road trip with cats.

Road trip with cats.

Dread traveling with your cat? Well, your cat’s probably not thrilled by the idea of getting into a moving vehicle either. But here are some tips you can use before, during and after the journey to make it easy on both of you.


Welcome – If visiting a friend or relative, make sure they know you’re bringing your cat and that it’s welcome. Be sure there will be a place for its litter box.

Use a Carrier – Most cats aren’t fond of traveling (shocker, right?), so —although your cat may protest — gently coax it into a secure cat carrier for the duration of the road-trip.

Home Sweet Home – Line the carrier with a towel or bedding from your home so it will smell familiar to your cat. Once you arrive at your destination, put food inside the carrier and leave the door open so your cat can explore the new surroundings once it feels comfortable.

Stock Up – Have plenty of food and essential supplies on hand so you don’t run out once you’ve arrived.


Stay Cool – If it’s a hot day, make sure the car is ventilated with circulating air and never leave your cat inside a hot car, even if you’re only stopping for a short break.

Soothe Them – Don’t forget to pet your cat during the trip (when stopped, not while driving!) to reassure it during this stressful time.


Safe and Sound – Upon arrival, give your cat a fun reward — such as a new catnip mouse or yummy treat.

Time to adjust – At the destination, your cat may not be as excited as you are. Let it stay inside the carrier until your cat is ready to explore on its own.

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