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How to groom your cat.

How to groom your cat.

Cats preen like a bunch of divas, yet still manage to shed all over the furniture. You can help minimize shedding with a grooming routine that’s consistent and quick. Start grooming your cat when it’s young so it won’t protest or fuss much (your cat may even grow to actually tolerate it).

  • Comb or brush short-haired cats once a week.
  • Comb or brush long-haired cats every other day.
  • Check your cat’s ears twice a month for dirt or wax buildup; but don’t put anything into its ear canal.
  • Trim your cat’s nails monthly.
  • Have its teeth examined by a vet at its annual checkup.


  • Cat’s ability to groom itself.
  • Length of cat’s hair.
  • Amount of shedding.
  • How enjoyable it is (for the cat).

Lastly, and most indelicately, remember that your cat’s rear needs some attention, too. Look for fleas, other parasites and any suspicious life forms.

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